What that he would for
That great oaf I stood for
To prevent his courting the criminal world
For there because of his own whirls
Within what might have made me poor all the more
Has Mr Grimes not learned to be sorry and sore
By depending upon my worth for
All of his own dreams known
Of any victory in any court room for
That I have done was
Prevent that the father of my children
Might ever be made alike to
Those many time bombs fused
Of people in prison's abuse
For not I ever could have
Let any inmate at
The providence for
Being father to my children not poor
So when he will take it in that
It is my will he begin don the hat
Of earning money by work to go back
Surely Ms Angus
Not to stingey for that
All of the money in China he had
Was always about some wages bout
Which he claims to refute of
In his own wars because
His is the worth of
Being simply the lazier of us
But of any reason he could find would
He want to refute that
His own worth in his hands labour
Is just not worthy to trade upon
Yet by the fact of what he gave for
To father my children
Might I always have paid him
In self worth of the love therein
But that he has bent that very meaning
By seeking to deny children their own needs when
He refuted and abuse their
True worth in feelings
Might he thus realise no love
Was ever lost between us
No worth had I ever
Been able express to define thus
The reason I ever walked beside him
Yet that has it never
Been for any season but
To approach as close as I dared to
The worst human being with whom
I could enter into an intimate relationship with
For somewhere inside me
Was always the reason being denied by him
That one day somehow and without loss of mind
Will I
The fare of causing child abuse by accusing of kind bind
Into its real consciousness of causation's silent night
For never has it been my own right
Nor ever did I in any intentional might
Blame or accuse
That he supposed to have used
As his excuse
But rather have I between
These reasons and feeling
Just let it be that
For his hell am I paying
Such that he never will but be staying
The hand in which his own father branded
His own lack of praying
For my children need never learn of
The real derth of his feelings for Earth that
He blinds all and sundry
In lies of great flurry
With the insideously corrupted
Coins of having stolen
The real way through the future to
Real environmental salvaging
So as that the trees can and will
Regrow into forests for
The love between he and I never poor
Yet by whom through he
Was it ever received be
That one day somewhere
The rest of the planet seem to have needed
To stick it to his bum baring glare
Was not my own will to dare
Yet never not believe in me rare
For the will not to deceive is
That by my own mind this
Real tune will the real wish
Of my perfect truth its
Having been told all the while in
The family court's bind this is
Now catch it if you can
For the excellence never be damned
And if you've been trying the plan
Of space travel by vans
And rocket ships that land
On another planet's worth found
Be it never with manners
That the mars probe has landed
And forever never had a chance in hell or earth to have found
Whatever it is why by my love
Will be that work being held down
Into the ground
By everybody who blames me around
As though married and fluidly current
By prostituting myself for brown money
For higher will the lives
Upon nothing arise
Only to be
Turned to rocks when arrive
Such is the worth of the Earth
Within which all will be heralded not dearth
And of all those of us who here have seen it
The probe upon mars might our spirits have believed in
Is that forever to have loved so behelden
And the planned escapes from
This Earth's rocky providence
Have ever been of the set up
Yet the worth in our cover up
Was not that of marsupial luck
Since only certain of us
Were ever able that condolence
Of the forests
Will every intolerance
To the blinded countenance
Of refusing to keep human mind's worth real for this ants
Thus of my hands you will dance
Upon insanity's brands perchance
Sunday, July 6, 2008
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