Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Not very upsettable
Not likely regrettable
Too slightly forgettable
No bones this pen not able
To take back down off the table

Whatever it was
I had done
That you knew of
Will not
Be no fun
For what
Ever it was
Is nothing but
Not of my own
To have and alone
But will be by anyone done
In every cent and for everyone
For what’s done had a throne
Not one man was brave enough
To sit upon it alone
Thus not one could make me
And my deeds his to own
Thus such as I am
I have this my bone
That what I have done
While I am yet without husband
And by parents disowned
Born to the wrong clan yet known
Is for everyone to own
Incorporated and private
Propriety protected and quite
Yet unable prevent
That every cent
Upon it got bent
Is the fate of this girl
Not uncertain at all
Yet best left unfurled
For what I have done is
Not my own to have won
But of every and any one
Ever perceived this my bone
That I have done it
So far alone
Knowing why money can
Carry on being somewhat golden
Is knowledge of my witness this tone
And the deeds which necessitated
What money can facilitate
Mine alone and owned
Upon humility’s throne

The Accusation’s Pause

When being accused of
What had no excuses
But was neither preventative
Of what needed no excusing
Just plain and of factual
Life long diffusing
Of the extraordinarily signs in
Which no while in time was
Anybody else’s to abide
Since every man slept while
As for I staying awake
Through those moments of unaccounted fate
Have learned the whole story
And how well it forms good
By no man yet who could
Mind true my mistake
Neither woman nor policeman
Nor any number of God’s children
But just my myself I did
What proves false the excuses
Upon all the currencies
Of accounting through money
Will forever always one day be
That in Revelations my key
For when blaming me with
What my own role in is
While blaming me for
Also what acts I have not of
But which might have
Revelations from
The every need in any
Body to have been
Blaming of
The future whose game
Was of
Militarily lamed
Squadrons untamed
And no love with when blame
Upon no Saintly names
Is that no fire ant eating shame
Can the future be upon

Populous Elephant
Populous elephant never spent
And yet their money
Upon what it went
Might we best
Pay well all rent
Since their story
Has ever been
Far too many ways bent
That remembering everything
Will we learn well to sing
That the story we are in
Was not such as has been
Imagined our minds within
But another of forever
One day to begin
Is life without sin

Unless Perhaps

And yet
Just one
Or two
Fellows did do
This pen with I am true
And in heaven sent shoes
Bare footed who knew
This body’s way through
Will one day my whole story too

I Saw

I saw them all fall
Into the set up
That all set ups were for
They fell one and all
And I saw

And we fell
Together with me as well
For what I saw could I tell
We’ve all long before
Already fallen but what for

And but to who will I tell
For of everything unwell
This of all the hardest to tell
But necessary if all
Our futures will yet be well

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