Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Strange Plan Snatch

What a strange mix up
Did the morning dish up
To my wondering pluck
Of salvaging my own luck
Will my mother's love
Be not wasted but
Through yesterday's dream tasted
What a strange story baked
To have my parents between
No moment's reason to see
That God willing be
One strange plan hatched in me
And the inheritance believed
For laws of life will govern
Humanity's every deed
And the snatch is begged back
From whose errors manifested
Its threaded weave
Unravelled by Jesus for eternity
I am that I am and believe
Only who can will need
To hold in the dreams
Of whatever manifests
The solution to be
Terror no less the merrier
In eternity
Is belief be real so bless
That eventually the terror feels less
For the meal reducing best
To nothing more than real
Is yet to be
But by deed
Will love feel

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