Thursday, January 24, 2008

Far Gone

Far gone
Not wrong
In with
What is
That song
My wrong
Invasion key upon
Tricked you
Ripping on
What was yours all along
Prevent us
Needing take at
Invaders branding at
Why blaming which mothers
Undermines the real facts
Of who owes who at
Evidenced in full yet we sat
Since there is that
White mother
Black politics set into the trap
Upon whose case
Compensation from the commonwealth rides at
When not at
Her failure
In the family court that
To date but
That not yet
Has the court heard her
Through four and a half years of white racist solicitor's laughter
Because of administrative error
The courts were three years delayed
Before registering accept
Yet imagined get away with
By defining Aboriginal believe as
Thus the debt
Find will for
Through her case to correct

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