Thursday, January 24, 2008

To the Visiting of Britain: and that of their genetics in you

Not to put
Too fine a point
On this matter
Of who God anoint
Putting a lid on it
Might once have caused
A lid against
What prayer provide of
Yet only of our self
The identity of
Being forgiven by God
Since the real condition
Ever singular was
A single error
In a lid upon matter
Of whom stole what
Which was
Made to brand
Whom the theives gave of
Yet whom became cleared of guilt because
The branding moved negativey
Back upon
Those to whom the original
Theft did belong
Which was of
Light for the night
Symbol's of right
And a wife
Permanently bound upon
Theft of land
The precursor of
That the thieves who
Gave Australia to you
Might thus learn of
This being how
The British Isles were first stolen from thou
Salvation made thus but how
Might this apply to no legislative intervention now
Since its action
Build upon the faction
Sustaining true believe in
Reality ever found

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