Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Relate to the case of legitimate obligation to abide within the letter of legislation

Regardless of what you might reckon
Yourself of the worth in the lesson
Of Islam's Prophet with those who believe in
This fact has been
That by accusing indigenous Australians
Of the worst in any human nation
We Aborigines can
At times seem to manifest aligned
To those conditions folk read of
Which establish to believe in
Where the realising of prophesy is seeming
And I here am claiming
These conditions be no more than
The form of abuse began
By those who sought to profit from
Obtaining money upon
Being first to predict how prophesy might realise to belong
So to honour Mohammed refuse to play along
With the game of blaming your money upon
How other folk in other places
Are coping with the basis
That prophesy is written upon

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