Monday, November 5, 2007

Five Poems Telling as it is: with link to a neat and timely preface

These poems have another set of poems which prefaces the situation the words detail.
That earlier set is originally posted at

An Answer

A language device
Had been used to splice
Hairs between that nice
And the fears
Of whom had no means to
Adapt Islam’s shoe
To the contemporary cultural requirement
That have muses never been quiet
Yet of amusements
In lack of grace
Take no delight
Will be your future’s face
At Allah’s willing pace
Music still your fate
Might this time and place

More Recover

More better
Than sugar
For the toilet will you
Was that we continued
Is her will
That still
And until
The teller gets better
Shall we this hill
Was never
What they believe in to show us
Of their own guilt’s bill
Of sugar
My toilet show
Will nobody’s fill
But in your Dream time find
Our truth seeking mind
Is that eternally
Earth bound pill
Of Seeking the Truth)
Never deny
The skill
Has no husky sound
But of husks this round
Upon my grill have found
Is recovery eternal

Ayurvedic use of
What chemical
Plant grown fruit borne
This teller’s hill
Blessing that love forever will
Ensure justice no thrill
More better was the teller’s till

The More Puzzling Facts

What neat substance at
My blackest fact
Of decoy
Have even the policeman’s bureaucrat’s
Resources become drained at
As alike to me feigning
But what was it they weren’t showing
Naught will likely be taming
In attempting define me
As though hysterically
Insane at
Belief in reality’s facts
Did they even
Support of
Taking my children
Away from me
To the cause of
Proving a lie about me
By assuming their evidence
Without their own witness
Belonged to time gone
While the real worth they sought to extract
Of the evidence they hoped to prove in fact
Permanently thus did they curtain their own minds at
By refuting real life’s providence that
By a poetry act
Yet who was it that
They yet flounder at
But bless their pounce
Eternal at
The feral English biker that
Lied to enable these facts
While in terror his flight a cat
Bank robber’s cancer plight
Be that
The terror of any criminal act
Needs no anti-terrorism legislative act


Will who what but
That hardest to
Commit is your own
Work to know through
Is the way of
As though out of the blue
The gift of love true
May yet just find you
What is you
Most despairing life experience
To recover through
For will be ever to
And love’s certain flow in you
Is that the conditions
We have already lived through
Be exactly what we’ll require of
To find survival is
That salvation this
Will is through
A fact of science
The mind’s blackest will too

Children Love Reality But

It was a set up
One I never once fell to
But that I’ll ever take unto
My own death’s certain curfew
Upon all we well live into
That they branded me
And my name unto
What only those blamed
As the paedophile did do
A girl set up
Because they could
Get away with
What none ever should
Of the extreme of fact
Never realized at
Blaming child’s fate by
A child rapist’s hate
As that causal to
So let me thus inform you
In my hate will purity re-new
Allah’s eternal will to
Unpick the seams of
Time’s dreams
Of what
No child’s lover
Might ever again
By word abuse legitimized
Deed accomplished
Will need
That this believe you
As child yet in mind
Had need unto
Was the path alright
I heard my wedding bell through
Blessing whose du’a
Enables this true
The truth was
A money launderer’s
Excuse to
Deny Islam’s worth to who
Will Imam this through

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