Friday, November 30, 2007


This is one of my more oblique sorts of poems
it is connected to my sugar glider dreamtime and it is called:

To and Fro

There is no
But why so
Might never be without the blow
Of anger the wind to and fro

A splendid thoroughfare
The word of a mare
Might have all money rare
If not for the spare
Unusual stare

The chocolate hurt
My teeth getting worse
Because of my promise
Whatever the weather I will not
Let another try relieve my

Polemic scrambled
Egg systemic
Mantra not tantric
Yet less underminded this
By uncertainty combined with

The Mono Sodium Glutimate
Feast upon my own self mate
For me alone to have known
Had a double running account flown
About where and when anybody had shown

To reconcile
Know all the while
My life saved
By my own grave
Is none too late

Was in and out
And overgrown
Not ever alone
But forever lesser known
Might I have been shown

In Ipswich the story
None to deny but me
Yet then one day did try
And fell out of the sky
A solitary death denied

That is to say
Today was the day
Upon which my play
Broke open the way
And concealed it fey

For when Death himself
Tried to kill me
And I accepted
Did it cause the prophesy
Of the end of death to be

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