Sunday, November 4, 2007

Until Will


To her
They do
To do
Of her
But unable
Do her
Yet fear
Through her
They might
Have wanted
Their failure
Be that
Which do
Is of her
To want her
For her will be
To have knew
How to do through
Death be
The party
To Allah’s will
In her thus still
Yet one day
One man will
Do naught but
She is his own
In Allah’s
As any rhyme’s hill
Might these lines fill
Yet that do I
This my guilt

That is my self introduction for now, in this new web log which I am beginning as a way of centralising all my self identifications in the internet.

I plan that this will link with most of my other web logs and sites I frequent or leave comments at regularly. Though I can not be certain just for the minute as to that being the real eventual outcome. However, this will be the face of my internet use for now. Take note that this w-e-b-log is for now, only that sort available through the freely available software, like all my others, and in that knowledge, if you find yourself wanting to aid my calling, then perhaps you might like to purchase one of the editions of a variety of versions of the book called The Christmas Which Never Came, available through most of the time, (though my proof is a bit raw there), and perhaps also soon through e-bay, but also by writing to PO Box 6113, Fairfield, QLD 4103.

The Christmas Which Never Came is an odd collection of work I have been writing, now between March 2003, and November 2007. Much of it is non-fiction essays which are strictly self referential, and belonging within a teaching mode of Aboriginal culture, in which the self-referential style is an equivalent of the modern academic world's external referencing systems. There is an assumption that I am either able to be tracked down to validate my story, or, my self referential quality will be ample evidence of my own belief in my words, with is then its own evidence. Much other of my work during this period has been writing poetry. I will let the poems speak for themself, and hope that you all will be tolerant of me using this here w-e-b-log as my homepage for a while.

an additional apology for the world of Arab speaking Muslims, that I have had no way to date of attaining certain knowledge of the spelling sequences which I ought to be accessing, but am just copying whatever I have most recently sighted in the internet, which seems appropriate enough for that mode of dialect of Qur'anic Arabic which suits my own self in Allah best. The reason for my delay in acquiring the necessary information is fully only the extent to which I have been experiencing being policed, and in which I am not want to drawn unnecessary police attention upon any teacher.

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