Monday, November 12, 2007


here are this morning's three poems from me
alike to any in me
these will become published here in Australia
with copyright to a.c.n. 123212671 pty ltd
and within the creative commons copyrighting of north America
these can be shared if:
Attribution is to me;
and No Derivatives are made;

Strange Policing But Seen

The police
Who assert
That if we have our own intelligence
And fail to be using it
To extract a capitalist
That we then must be
Showing signs of insanity
Are policing us seriously
Into their own insanity
Show up in their belief
That Marxist theory
Be realistically
A good line of thought
With which to hold
The rest of the community
To fault
While we the accountability
For the police
Have counted their own money upon
What it is we notice might be going wrong
That they dare not openly accuse us
Unless to disprove that their own song

Mysterious Faces of Political Disgraces

What happens when
The right wing
Of politics sing
That our own song
Of social justice long
As though theirs the key
To justice by democracy
Might it be
My own socialism
Their will be
The left wing
Shrouded in mystery
The right wing’s work ethic integrity
For sure as the bone
Only by our expenditure known
Quality in which we earn money’s access
And its quantity
To our own well honed bones
Might our real politics be known
But unto whose throne
All those Australians not so well known
Whose efforts have been thus sown

The Play Of Making the World Be What We The Aborigine

Is the one idea
The frog could not swallow
But instead made him laugh
All the way to tomorrow
That with a great giggle
All the waters rained upon
One single thread strong
In our every song
Never just one lonely frog’s

But of all of any of us mob
It is that one idea was
Always to have been
In every individuals
Mind clean
Its own sovereign domain
Even when our minds invaded lame
For the sovereign rules of the brain
Be permanently in tune with Earthly graves
That our one idea
In its multitude of expressions clear
To subvert
The invading culture
Until Aboriginal way it shows to us
Is that one idea
Which in one expression
Might never be without fear
Since at the men’s initiations
This way is steered

So while we still
Have commiserations
Upon the cultural expenses
Of getting a white fellow’s
Let us also believe in those relations
Who found their own way
Through the white game
Did disprove of the worth in
That already today
It is whites who feel shame
From sharing blood with relations
Who passed as white in most of life stations
Until whiteness became
Also a part of
Our own black game
So let who wants to
Return of our contributions
Made into
This white invader’s culture
With its language so full of dogma
Let those of our relations
Who have done that passed as white
Return to black through reciprocal obligations
The Aboriginal-isation
Of the white world
Ready to trade in equality with
Our real cultural tradition
Permanently yet unchanged
For its tradition is
That of the integrity
Of the management
Of purposeful positive

This the cultural survival game
The one idea that binds us
That many water drops
A puddle made
And many puddles a lake became
The red centre’s deserts
While drought the rest of each state
That we know even the weather sings with us mate
For the cultural survival
Of our country
Is the real need we each take
And to celebrate
Tiddalik’s lake
Already today
Is in every Australian school child’s
Repertoire of play

Those were the three composed on the train
And now at the computer
Another might make me more plain

But if

But if I became accused with
Stealing of cultural tradition
Only because by identification
My own
I can in fact stand in my animal self known
Then whose worth is
That accusation
And who did
Defame our Aboriginal tradition
By promoting that the falsification
Is by the white skin folk
Whose belief has already long become
By intermarriages with us oriented
Into having our own animal self
When among the police
Is any old false rendition
Of what might have once had meaning
In our Aboriginal way
Being sponsored today
As the stay out of jail play
To become educated into
Their own perverse innuendo
About what our animist belief had meant to who
And why it is yet today in Islam
Of the great exorcism
That will protect all our children
For that the beast of the Earth might yet thus be just
Is that we Aborigines today
Are both white and black plain
So to let us contribute
Back into black tradition
Once when we’ve accomplished
Accessing white institutions within its
Blacker measure
Is that if
The efforts at
Are what is accused of
Then have we won yet and but whom was it that lost

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