Monday, November 5, 2007

My Modern Day Treasure Hunt, for reality was never no punt.

Can you conceive of believing me when I report that I can prove, within Islam’s own methods, and within the methods of traditional Aboriginal culture, within the heart of all Islamic worth, that Aboriginal Australia was already all either Muslim, or in the process of culturally integrating with Islam, long before 1788; AND that I can prove that the powerbrokers of mainstream Islam resist that point of view because Australian Aboriginal culture + Islam = Socialism.

The thing is, any Muslim, and most Aboriginal Australians, will instruct me not to expose the internal disputes among the one fifth of the world’s population who are Muslim, and the smaller percent of the Australian population who are Aboriginal. Nobody outside of the Ummah of Islam, or the Kinship of Aboriginal Australia, has any right to know basically. As it happens the logic in that is sound, and the reasoning behind the logic is excellent. However, I mean not to hide from already converted socialists, that a tension exists among Muslims, and among Aboriginal Australian persons, around this matter. It is a tension which will one day necessarily resolve into a fully socialist paradigm of Islam.

Yet there is clearly the point of view that not every person born with Aboriginal ancestors want to believe in our forebear’s own right in Islam. Why not? Because of economic, social, criminal, and policing pressures; including immediate needs around child safety. That is the short answer.

It is an answer that could readily be condemned, as it is often enough, by many black academics, bureaucrats, politicians, and drug related criminal interests. Take very careful note thus of what is motivating every condemnation of this point of view I am sharing with you.

How many Aboriginal persons whom are achieving real success in their education and profession are being enabled in modern institutions because they chose to refute socialism and the Islamic mode of accountiblity? How many Aboriginal youths have been offered drugs, otherwise induced to crime, and made prison inmates; because of showing the signs of ability to conceptualise accurately how Aboriginal culture allies with Islam in a way which irrefutably disproves the capitalist mode of production? How much wealth has been reaped off the labour of workers by the money laden social forces which did determine to try to prove that Islam’s prophesy, (which is in part of an imperative to commit to a socialist reality), might be more likely to be engaged in first through any other indigenous cultural paradigm apart from Aboriginal Australian, only so long as it is a paradigm of imagining to be able to enable the capitalist mode of production? How many indigenous persons are being set up all over the globe to provide false evidence of Islam’s outcome being capitalist? And why is it that the Australian police are professing to believe that when Aboriginal culture combines with Islam, it forms only a lack of personal accountability and thereby dangerous insanity?

Considering this total question then, in all its facets, now add the extra data in respect of the Australian Aboriginal population having been in receipt of a relative degree of support for a mass Spiritual recovery from among the Christian Churches. What is little known of outside the Islamic world, (remembering that many Orthodox Muslims, a few Masons, and other Christians read and believe Qur’an, and so are a part of the Islamic world) is the fact that the mainstream of Islam can actively command the flavour of any Christian Spiritual experience, only by history’s certain facts. Now add the fact that the mainstream Christian Churches are also continuing to subject the Australian Aboriginal population to a further degree of emotional and cultural abuse, particularly among those individuals whom are retaining Islam within Aboriginal culture. And finally add the fact that the Islamic prophesy in which it is known by Muslims that one indigenous mob somewhere on the planet, will prove the essence of Islam with perfect integrity, while being socially and culturally prevented from being openly known to believe in Islam.

Now here is not the time and place to provide of all the theoretical/theological/cultural evidence of my point of view being real; but I will relate the detail that it is certainly a point of view being adhered to for basic emotional survival among Aboriginal prison inmates; and that it is a point of view in which I must at all times be extremely cautious, so as not to be assumed to be a terrorist, by the police whose surveillance is a constant presence in my life, while I am expressing it. The police are serving the community well enough I guess since I seem as suspicious a person as many, and they are in fact continually in my life to date, only affirming the evidence of what I am here relating.

That is all I have to say about this matter here. I might rather reserve this particular web-log for poems mostly. If you would like to find evidence then start a hunt for that treasure in and among all which connects to this web-log. The search for the Holy Grail is an allegory alive and well today as the ‘seeking for the truth’; which as a mental capacity and skill, is known in the Arabic language as ‘taliban’. . .

(hoping not to disappoint my ASIO fan club in discovering that I am not a terrorist)

. . . and after hunting a little further myself I have discovered that I have more relevant information for this post.

If you can add into that mass of data, which can only really be validated experientially, you ought also take due note of the fact that I am myself a very devout Muslim. If I were not fully converted in Islam this information would not be mine to provide in this manner. Providing information as I am, in a manner which is very unlike that way information from within the Ummah of Islam, is normally given through.

Now since this particular post is pitched at my peer group of ordinary non-Muslim Aussies, I ought also provide another qualifying piece of information, since I grew up in a community of leftie-feral-hippy-rabble-rousing-feminst-rat-bag-land-rights-supporters, (many of whom have connections with organised crime through use of marijuhana).

My attitude to the debate in left wing culture, ala Karl Marx, about religion, is that I agree with the premise that religion is the opiate of the masses. But since I know I need the pain relief often enough, how about letting us religious folk prefer our 'uplifting' boasts of prayer to the lift that substance abuse provides for too many folk in the left wing. Then I can inform you that by following my prayers within an indigenous Australian teaching, I happened to find out that there are police whom are letting organised crime sell drugs to persons who have left wing politics in preference to selling drugs to other sections of the community. That is, it ain't just the blackfullas who are effected by what I am writing about.

Now having written that much, I also have an obligation to provide basic information about that 'uplifting' status I have given prayer. It is not uplifting if you don't know what the process of prayer is all for, so there is some extent to which any person needs to be able to sustain belief, at minimum belief in one God, only to be able to enjoy real prayer. The more fully you are informed (by experience and education combined) and believe in what you are taught and in your own self, then the more thoroughly enjoyable is prayer.

Yet it is by hard work alone in which our prayer is fulfilled, and our prayer enables us to sustain basic enjoyment of living. If you are have no positive experiences of religion, which are compatible with the modern scientific paradigm as I find Islam to be, then you might not realise that prayer is akin to the rush of using a psycho-active intoxicating substance, and the hard labour which is an obligatory response to prayer (as the only way to be able to enjoy prayer so well again), is akin to the detoxification off drugs. In fact the bio-chemistry is almost identical, and all psycho-active drugs are those which imitate neuro-transmitters which our bodies naturally produce. So it is quite possible to conceptualise that the experience of religion is alike to the experience of an opium addict, except that the opium addict seeks not to need to feel extremes of sorrow as their method of enabling extremes of pleasure. While a religious believer accepts the extremes of pleasant, or positive, experience of prayer, as direction into the way of passing through extremes of embodying negative feelings, which can produce the most worthwhile outcome, and so overall decrease the quantity of suffering.

If anybody who reads this is a user of marijuhana, or an alcohol drinker, etc, etc, etc, then I will provide here for you a caution. Do not undertake lessons in specific areas of religous teaching in any religious, or spiritual, tradition, while using a mind altering substance; that is, unless you are prepared for a far more heavy duty detox than normal. If you happen to encounter any religious material which moves your feeling substantially, and you are at the time using any intoxicant, then you will need to understand that the use of substances introduced into the body to acheive specific bio-chemical effects, always temporarily inhibits the body's own independant capacity to sustain that same positive state of mind which the drug might have induced. Yet if you can manage to detox yourself entirely, then you might become enabled to discover yourself within that happier state of mind as a permanent effect, if you follow the religious thought which gave meaning to your immediate experience of the world each day. Don't wonder why the twelve step programmes are the most effective modern method of getting off drugs, but know: it is that the origins of those programmes are from what the Christian Church took from within Islam, and they access this basic teaching, among others.

Happier hunting thereby . . .

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